Zero-waste Sari-sari | Seed Bank| Native Grocery

An educational store that brings people back to the gifts and magic of plants. We value flowering awareness in the minds and bodies of this generation and many generations to come.. we hope to be an instrument for hope in using our country’s natural resources to heal and empower our people.

To encourage sustainable living as an island, the library opts to source locally-only and encourages others to discover the biodiversity that is on their own island, while providing package-free bulk solutions to meet daily basic needs - from medicinal plants, whole foods, natural home cleaning, personal care, to intuitive and native gardening.

More than a store, it is a project set towards establishing a permanent space for spreading mindfulness and awareness in our actions. 10% of proceeds will go to supporting other sustainability projects in the Philippines.

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Remember as you Harvest
we humbly accept donations 🌱